Aktuellt 2024

söndag 28 augusti 2022

Upplockare, på gång ALARM world Antarctica

Antarctica. Combat missions all. Strange behaviour to all objects in caves.


Get to know clear(possible) evacuation caves any object(s) additional around Antarctica.

Submarines frozen in. Hangarship. Strange pressure/hydrologi create freezing hazards onto the ice. Also people.

Lava-drop and unknown objects may have damage and disappeared under at least one flat cave surface or top/bottom.

Detect lahars growing, changes and lava, also ice-fissures, mud-fissures and debris-fissures etc. Dangerous objects, thunderbolt transmissioning any objects possible, even through ice with possible explosions and puncturing via cracks and gas/air in ice, also completely unsuspected liquids. Dangerous diving and to people without control and proper guiding.

May require ice-drilling evacuating, control of caves and mining, also lava-amfibia fascilities. All picks and surrounding must be checked and restored or properly re-established for maintaining functions and due to passing by problems and issues. Even as initial evacuating and continuing.

Smaller stealths may be possible. Knowledge base, properties and solutions should sync far away.

The dangerous objects may have to be secured with dummies and or evacuating somehow.

Several submarines fiascos. Different problems or difficulties.

Focus also required where they take out objects and how all are secure upon, under, caves and ocean, even on sea.

All oceans, isles and continents, even lava caves, platforms, flights, alter rescue equipments... Vehicles and storage houses... Unknown how smart done. Even with lava explosions, air, water and livestock. Platform, harbor and anchoring hazards, even secondary. Where people walk.

Base cave 1 and 2 or more? Problems/hazards all way down under then! Could come back from explosions then(thunderbolts) or merge or damage all somewhere. Koll for such huge and spread out. What color? Green also like lava?

At least one atomic sub there. Combat with itself hazards storing?

Is there space under and above caves? 1000-a few thousand meters could be unsafe, maybe more. The reason is icemasses based on water rebuild itself with temperatures far, maybe discovered a meter per 5 minutes or 20 minutes, still maintaining watch 45 minutes. The same time it recovers the transport from lava under may have 10-15 km/hour. Or alike a lava flow.

Check old basalt locals and else cracks and deposits(probably minerals or chemicals). They may fire or explode. Directly find objects with and without, learn local behaviour. They look highway, not really understandable until you travel with it or from.

Yo can find people and a diver or his stuff that way too. Even parents will look for own children and older like that. Trust me. Even nearby the lava-amfibia. Even more about that one itself!

Any vehicles leave shadow or ghost additional for other objects... Good watch all directions and no hurt with stuff surrounding. Even an antoeject may be many problems. All problem clusters are all objects. Investigate. Imagine!

Even pictures make one think there.

All vicinity bassins also possible objects i chaos? Easy to solve? Compare? Lava-caves? Seamount, holes and sinkhole morfs? Even ice/glacier. All dynamic there. Good check objects also info to rescue-teams. Same volcanoes... Some travel vice verse, both their own lahars and fissures, still objects somehow...

Don't be surprised a harbor function same way with geo and or objects. Objects could turn around and tilt. Lifted up and sink down. Look all in and at, nearby same way. Always beware temperatures and pieces/blocks/rocks/platform like in movements and as source and resource. A small mountain can be removed by a fissure...bor several. Even practically on a strato volcano. And under. Or fissures disappear or swap or merge with lava-lakes or magma involved.

This is what we pickers combat. Wether there is an on-surface or not lava flow visual or an earthquake, or any tremors.

This is very important to industry, infrastructure and energy-sector, world alarm. All objects, still if so one person to rescue. It could be an ice-bears on the way, or a dinosaur, perhaps a mammoth...

Big local, if not direct. Until exact position.

Also clouds, smells and vision can by colors helt finding sources and direct detection/nearby. Lost on ice shelf, adventurers, research, missions and livestock people may be guiding by search. Even vehicles fiasko.

My experience reach feeling upon and several different ways, even not and blur. How? The person or object itselt feel the same to somebody, but is stuck, about to or already on move. Large objects are sometimes understandable the same way inside by combats and/or creators(engineers and architecture personel), also immediate ratio and differences. Keep a majore eye for them and yourselves. Don't forget ice in chimneys, in rescue boats, sails... Like envelopes with and FOR people. Any material is same to thunderbolts but can be forms of liquids or solved gasses... Even oxygen or body functions. Ask what near or seen. Even heard or seen. Felt. This may surprise on the mountain bottom too. Every place upon caves and lahars. The way upon? Have a look what goes or there or therefrom. That can have solutions and news. Just a few minutes or even less, somebody is wrapped by hydrothermal activity and hydrology. Even from objects. Also check out dry caves or holes sometime now and then. There are a number of these fenomenala known already including fiaskos.

Look for upcoming into object caves, even occasionally merged caves somehow. Also icemass waters and oceans. Even the melted icebergs or glaciers.

Small or large meltabouts even fatally upon. All. It snow and frost almost invisibly or understandably. Or never. Catch a watch! Learn how they see light, mountain walls or else. Perhaps somebody screaming in an ice hole, like a lagoon. That one need help and not freezing there. One found now.

Several found more by this already. Do not ignore danger by frozen reptiles, marine and wild animals. One may lay down or hide, even watch you hunting there naturally.

Always look for wounded or silent giving up. One stormy facility/series and people. Think sun. Think fiasko. What side or movement. Mountain-crack or rocks. All passed by. same snow-vain ratio? More there. 9 days. Erebus near? Pickers ship. Towards sun go up?

Korea hangarfartyg.

For you else. Look at the sun. It's like the moon or planetal... To somebody else... Check weather radar Nordic an Russia. Figure out that one! Bering trend too?

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