Aktuellt 2024

lördag 12 november 2022

Upplockare, på gång ALARM

Folk hörs. Inte egna.

Folk hörs. Om egna.

Var som helst.

Det får larmare och plockare söka.

Jag är inte med alls. Inte olyckor heller.

Plocka på ni... Inget händer. Tracka. Nu är det larmat.

Använd närmaste larmare av upplockarlarm fasciliteter. Inget går bättre än så i alla fall.

Du kan inte hoppa ur normalt alls. Då måste upplockare på plats ha dig i uppsikt.

Nearest larmer or picker fascility person possible. Nothing can go better than that anyhow.

Don't jump out, that is unnormal. The picker there must keep you in range.

Do not talk to me. I m also not in duty. Not involvable at all what so ever.

Original man. Nobody else discover have or be parent functions and connections. That is all normal. Then still don't use us big papas or somehow to disturb or else. No nestling or unnestling must involve at all. Just galante this normally or talk intention same to original man. Or reach out. Don't bring anything with in else attempt to connect and do not try to reach else than there possible.

Whom know you and where you are? What or even whom else is there? Are there others and so on...

Pickup larm, try that. Sinkhole...

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