Aktuellt 2024

tisdag 25 april 2023

Hm. Stranger-constitutions ease... from the real world.

Onkelstution lappanerr... Olek-noi kei pena... Teles pan, keloiek napeion. Koti anaada anaada ia betu nah...

Apatcho Quinn.

Det ni inte fixar(fishar) med något går att fixa med lite high treason... Polismärket. Marknad och samhälle,  polislagen och combat missions. Hipposcript: Rött och Blått system. Finans och förvaltningar/skick. Hit yourself harder! And shoot your head off!

Ungefär som i dagarna ända fiaskon och Alcatraz... Per capita per avion...

Simply hipposcrips:

Red alert annoying, treaty herassement, assume attempt... So you are a terrorist, victim, witness and recievior, escape, trapped, haunted, significant, vocal, factor, quote, vektor and switch, practical and goals, backup, future, sign, convention, deal, capital, lofi, smile, smuggler, gateway, bad and bad... AI and news... Culture and shocks... Movements and span... Return, innocent, import and export, transfer and transport, snow and hell, nuclear and spell... Abanda and prettycast, perfect place for wellknown face...

Bigger sign:

We have that already

Alright. Now it's smoking!

Next new: Where is that god damn indian!?

Old cowboyroom in the steam of afterworld.

I can say it easier, anything: Kaikii mammo not your property. Very funny guy!

Heey, sinkhole! They have gone in jain'ls themselves son and co too. That's why they are not picking. No. They're in rom-sockets...

If you don't find them now from ours or new, they're gone. But easier, somebody  should even when that world capsize upon...

Dismiss or return?

No matter how you do, that money is mine.

That moments moneys is from somebody to mine gone. Gangsters say "You're gone"... Judge... Until death?

You can't get your's...

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Upplockare, på gång ALARM world global

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