Aktuellt 2024

söndag 16 juli 2023

Is it time to concider a tough and broke winter weather blob?

 Maybe that don't cling clean is the reason, and suspicion. Studies from icetime and it's picker holds paragraph risks to me for sure. Think about the report, it says something in the summary that more likely is a surprise rising or scaring us(me).


That would be nice of you to reflect and feedback on this issue. I am worried. And by reasons I have been and expecting something from history and something new. Hopefully I am wrong. But please, be sharp. Count on the energy and it's failiure and sudden peeks or whole scenery already adopt and confirm consecuences. Sooner or later?

Lose theories can be interesting:

Something more is needed to make all stay.

Changes have been more smooth but what cross our ways and what can we observe?

Is all calming down and bleed it's focus like we know or adjust back again?

Is water "solutions" really synchronized?

What could come running over lands and perspectives? Is it reliable and consequent what goes on at all?

And what come running more or less from land to water really? How far do we go? Do we know how to be there? Have we else than stoned lava to compare with and what syndroms and else?

Where is too late and too surprising elements built in? Is it confessing or a creator through our "filters"? Where does where break free?

You got that feeling? Or have got... What is or are we the energy at all? I know it shows. Nobody almost, agreed.

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