Aktuellt 2024

fredag 24 november 2023

Hm. Music info demos.

I do not use(connect) to Facebook, Spotify or else than Google, YouTube, Android and Microsoft.

That is the easy interface of platforms for reach. Ableton and Audacity is only music/sound software. Have had else like HammerHead, some Android apps and tried else that is not in use/update, subscription or else.

Yes. I hear that I never have got payed. True. No income internet at me. I saw the law on possible freelancing, union and insurances and warranties for one like me... Not for me. Too much private and enormous creator. That was ready for high treson only. So you all know. Impossible to turn me down since market could shatter them all. The law forbid such purpose and activity they reached for. This is constantly a state of the nation to my lost people's too, all illegal explains it all. The whole world.

Combat missions, world, global economy.

Hasta la vista, markets by turn. Nobody and everybody have no possible law or constitutional problem. Certainly not me. You suited yourselves and want same.

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Internet ligger redan på krypto och snabben. Kolla hur ni surfar kompat på t ex YouTube och Di.se. Blir avbrott i musiken. Och nu "behö...