Aktuellt 2024

måndag 6 november 2023

Upplockare, på gång ALARM world global

It is not possible to assist anymore. The yin and yang is gangstring own "nature" and "conditions" disturbing.

They don't react here and send them off eternally. They are already guilty and never ever welcome, threat and suite based issuing over all time and matter even knowing they should be aware to stay off on such big world issues as high treson with all attached cases, issues, reasons, causes, matters, peoples and perspectives. So issue nature and focus.

They are no so friendly or coherent to any privacy or man earth possible exclusively or by choice at our own anywhere anyhow.

They have no chance and no possible pleasures to achieve or to get their attention more than ignorant and unwilling for a reason at all.

These explainings continue anyhow. I can not change or evaluate somebody else than lost and fault. There is nothing that I will share or endorse, guide or give a factor set for.

Everybody know they are wrong and something gangster tracking getting them for reasons for everybody living. Illegal account parsing.

Risks are fatal anyhow. They chose wrong way to learn, be and steady not respectable or understanding.

They are instantly warned, showed off and slam on their own accusements under world ignorant proportions of threats and doing since long time. This include slavery, war, murder attempts and illegal facilities that have no sense as same or unique to us else anywhere.

This is old, once warned for that. Nobody would change course or disappear from a case like that, actually like this and that.

High treson you must learn what that is. Some of them are crazy to others no matter what they think, say or do. So you know that. Without one chance from my rights. No even for rights.

They are gang ceremonies, cultures, not just caught, known and produced gang violence. They switch forward on women and girls on their oldies like that. Thy have showed these wars also, not just impacts, escape and drugs are issues and their legal other people claims and faults. That cannot be or happen.

I knew this from birth because I was taught original man. Many ways and satisfying.

2 kommentarer:


Det kom ett riktigt spöregn. Halv tre på natten/morgonen. Det var riktigt stora droppar!