Aktuellt 2024

tisdag 9 april 2024

Hm. Name and emergency alarming indians.

Oordikqsâwn Indoziãta Apatcho.

abcde fghij klmno pqrst uvwxy zåäö

Wildfires spotwise in the Rocky Mountains, Indians. ALARM. May run along roads and creeks? Started upon cliff? Lava or gas/oil or chem? Ask where are people and livestock. If fire go same way, tricky? Smoke to places. Can be clue timing and upcome or pickers come up too. Check waters if took that way before problems. Check boats and else with nitrogen risk. Where can be or not, fire risk, water can trick? Check out where women and children. 900 group.

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On-time nighty 1st of October 2024