Aktuellt 2024

onsdag 24 april 2024

Solution patterns for lingerie - my story behind

Here is some idea, maybe to escape the cut trend is too fashionable easy, operating on cash and flair... s photographer I discovered that the body has more to explore around the shoulders, hip and breasts, also reaching elbows. A lot of lingerie that I see don't taste more than a pigs package! And this give a knee damn to when ladies "have to accept" what nature shape them into, losing the casual all-over love shining natural temperature and outlook. There must be much more! Use romantic, humor and even the newspaper or magazine in your hand... You avoid, forget and chose another world. I think that men are waiting for something brought back. I know you have better fantasy than a younger teenage with toy and doll patterns and colours... No, I'm not yelling at you.

It's what show you wear. It's what we music play.

Have a nice day. I miss you. I know when you never loved me.

And be careful about the orchestra girls too... They're just not the fresh air when real men are gone. I loved that world more than you. Now, you are sea-shells...

Music tips with my feel: Fleetwood Mac. The magic of opening this sea-shell. Kate Bush, this beauty passed by. Bryan Ferry, is there somewhere to be? George Michael, some kind of concert. Prince, love-sexy. Babyface, maybe a distant would you be here?

You will never forget the story behind soul, rnb and chillout. What club is for. Be beautiful, I am.

I have tools being man. You should know.

Nature tips: SVT, Kunskapskanalen, Den stora älgvandringen.

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I have a break by non illegal breakthrough and now you are making me and my own need any break. You are tyrrans. Kick out, everness beheld a...