Aktuellt 2024

söndag 12 maj 2024

Hm. Nothing. The possible and impossible.

Smooth Alverïtac qwentahs indos ziãtahs...

Säkis mi manis kolehtasetas...

Price and Prince per skull and head... King of wasted dust and war by eras, history and blame for looking into the future.

A slice of their by definition.

Recognition, Combat missions. Young and detected grew first. By original man. Not somebody else's condition(or by enforcement).

That's a selection. A Yin and yang is only meaning of outlook one unnatural involvement.

Clear digestive.

You've got that now. Not me, our own me and not from. Second and third person...

It's not what we do. Step back two is same as whom?

Freedom can't insecure or declare itself as pleased to another anyhow. Should look at least evidence, manner, good motive and alibi.

Miss first.

When you have yourself and look around. Miss second.

Miss three stillsome ocean of and by people...

Imagine a set of WW3. You are welcome to nobody else, man earth. What so ever.

Hasta la vista. Moueenahs and zombreros. Has happened just like nothing happen.

Read the policelaw. What time and place, space or journey, mission or set!?

Original man. Miss last.

Stora störst. Idiot. Hej då. Ni får inte vara här. Utsikt där nu.

Martial Arts. Smile... Bort med de där lallarna.

Now. Imagine freedom. No yin and yanging. You are free to go. After next and next... Seconds or thirds persons... Still.

What is so funny now!?

WW3 is still funny from even else than WW1 and WW2...

Whom am I. Why high treason?

Ok. That don't matter. You people say more than else to go and die somewhere else. Still.

You know who you are. I don't. But I know else. Even if I ask or not. Similar to your complots.

No. It did not change. Will not.

Apatcho Quinn.

Ok now. Release connections. That is else than a set. Original man.

You.are in another universe. Right...

When creator takes over. Look at you and what cover or you wear. Same? Miss third and alter... And somebody is wrong all...

Likely. Lik. Eli.

Busy. Bu. Si.

I am not 4 1/2 eyes younger. A!


2024 gangsters still.

Unfortunately. Don't imagine. Even fed is de...

Deaf -

De si bu

Apatcho is even good history and future warrior, spirit and creator as original man. Unmistakeably. Unmistaken.

Hey earth like you 7* L

Kilroy was here.

One more reggae for the road...

Ö-hö ö-hö filmtajm...

Ingen aning. De kanske har könssjukdomar dom där...

Included. Excluded. Different counters...

First miss... I told you. Nothing! Straight-out-sqeezer...

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Responsible and freedom?

Mera att fundera på. Ulu, ulo, uru, oro... Uu... Ū...

Ni verkar ha det till bara annat...

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Dj slik promises latin freestyle mix