Aktuellt 2024

lördag 22 juni 2024

Hm. Can you tell everybody?

Why is there no word like "amonostry"?

I tried english and latin. No sense. Maybe a word-professionalist could tell?

Tecnically you would be shot dead for almost anything... I dare to say man earth original man. All I have to. Apatcho Quinn.

Now you have seen them. World enemies. One side, boobs, back-wound, shooting, lifting, try... All these words reflect from amonostry. Even new-making(healing) and else.

Have a seat... Next time you... At the collectors... You for real? Really talking to me?

Multimedia is so smart. But you see they run on somebody loves it. Not how or not. There you are... Honey, I loved you!

Why you think @?

I can tell. You lift the target up in the tree before you answer. That duude you surely run and care even from. Not even atomic bombs, world wars, terrorists and mass-murderers stopped you so far... Even breaking it down cost me your high treason the same ways and you have no cops and miris left now.

Go. Run. Disappear. I don't want to see you around my own history either.

You start with What you think @.
Your constants are sure there, as long as right ones... You are one of them now.

Next is clue "bad luck". Right. Already all the same time. Ooops...

There will die masswize of women for a long time now. Every man on earth will know sooner or later. Ever a god damned rosqüt told that is the clue, but he was not sure about that...

You see, some can't resign. Only kill themselves.

Warship reach words. You have no courts, systems or else for that. Not even law.

Now you can be silent and disappear!

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