Aktuellt 2024

onsdag 30 oktober 2024


Google is not guilty. That is inhuman here.

With that number most constitutions and markets are played out over guilt, no doubt. The evidences are ruling now on human and human craft alignments, we have no such people's here and I doubt returning a ball also. You have found you as nobody remain and sustain or have mostly tombstones and urns lingering from unknown and utopia perfories... 

Here is your trick again, your constitution left above you in Russia and world:

To rate is bits needed to be no communist is beaten. But glamour conducting seasons and tropics have flammed and mirrored...

If that is your backstage then turn off and back. Somehow you belong among the guilty, just like world finance solutions that can not have been or be used. Sorry for people behind again. To me you are a new Israel, Ukraine and some more... Not too important solutions! Have a mind breaking through, why I wrote "no communist"... That's power standard to man earth... Read your top constitution again and again. That is a final decision performed even by the former Tsar, hard to know...

Paasikivi can not dictate and keep down too. There are many upwinded businessmen too in the "New Europe" and spread. It touch nobody world west... Heard in China too. We stopped them.

Go ahead! We have seen world women trending. Thank you for your patience, have a nice evening.

No further comment. Except one. We are sustained on and over on exactly neg, despite from negations. That difference is bigger numbers and are... Is that from perestroika and glasnost, cold wars, Mao, Deng and Salami, sorry, Saddam, Gaddafin and Sadat, Mubarak.. and Bob Marley and Itali boys? ETA and IRA in or out? Even same Nazi ruled? Liberalism and moderates...

Cocobello s. What a job you got payed for!

Yeah, that's too much for original man. Dream on. Don't call it lawbreaking and psycho to tell the truth instead for a comment(!).

You are bad. Simple. You are the guilt on... You did all that crap!

Learn for real to teach. Don't manage then. It stop... Just what you and else need from space-weather and lots more and less still... The sign for true high treason. World wide.

Do so pity, world of women just failed too or again. Do so mourning. But pay, play the only game!

The else are not worth, did not pay for that. That is mine!

What such have caused? You die then! Even me can not imagine real people and markets. Get it on then! I already lost too much nose hairs...

Vacuum man is Rosqüt... That mean Google head is cleaning. Right. Ahead. Head.

Russia can stand that. I can give the word misc if I want to. Anybody else too.

Warning. They wanted out here...

Hot list for change reality and profile(among others more been strangers violently hm):

Canada, Australia, Turkey(a lead?) or from above drops.

Top jobs for the same: Law and order(Rookies)...

Top gender: Narcotics and weapons WITH top scam(new world). Sports.

Right. Saying your blind man earth and indian eye?

Gangstas paradise... Not just markets...

Looks: Bold, hooked nose, green hair, large feet, fat lips, big ass, old look old as young... Violent cute, cathedral ears and hearts... Fibula amfibia swimwear in the aero amoeba... Breathing mask... Ring on toothbrush... Smile with freundin... She never ask what she need to know and if she can be girl and such a retard community...

Recognition(!): Great expectations and dead ego wizard.

Form: No spirit.

Look what I found! Even socks and vacuum cleaner, besides the funny recycle tombstone texts... That is the sign for HELP!

Alright. Here we go...

Here is an old habattery picture:

Exactly winter time 6 pm. 18:00. 60 degrees, Sweden.

Lesson one:

Hello, att hälsa... Hälsa is to phrase a meeting moment. Also a word for personal conditions what so ever.

When somebody is in bad condition somebody is in a bad mood.
When somebody give bad conditions somebody is in bad mood.

Again. Have a nice evening.

Lesson two:
Communist is goodstock. Dunno.

Lesson three:
Read all again. I did not do a job.

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Egna i broras Myanmar. Egna specialister och fortsatt koll, om flera. De vet mera.