Check out misc solutions from
Esko Ilmari and Apatcho Cheied SEdL, Rescue services before MM.
Your researches concern public security, authorities, markets and communications including extended lava watch, combined issues.
The alarming levels are possibly significant and extended watch-issues due to tremors, earthquakes and eruptions world wide. Very complex or surprising elements may be issues in my(me and my father's) brief information and warning reports including infrastructure and economy overview, by most denied or rejected common or local believe or emergencies. This would by history either confuse or be miscellaneous due to capacities and coworks with or by miris. And with hope a still performing sinkhole picking and area solutions for both living and building constructions including nature areas and combinations.
I suggest also a structural map by issue for creation and public research must be created. The explained versions will wrap wider areas in some parts than expected, combined and surprising near to or directly complexes, a few thoughtful. (Huh)
How the solutions are possible is to me nowadays unknown. This include informer basis advice of first issue or creation or still at last, not least. Activations may be announced or larming, including elements of mining, passages, sediments, long time pressures and many other natural hazards.
Time should be significant, it is hard to declare oneself a possible hazard researcher in such lively neighbourhoods. Most actually think one is somebody, nothing more or less. It's human. It's still history. Now it's a monumental fraction. So much too, outlandish, and chemical hazards. One could say either god or the devil's throw these equations(fractions) around where we rescue.
This could look more or less a Superman vision. The reason is that words city, county, area, road and roading complex and else are within this overlook that I suggest. Now it's almost superstition.
I hope that you understand even though my language is more or less forgotten. I am not stationed in US or California. Nowadays early retired since 20 years.
Thank you all sinkhole pickers for the attention. Good you! Hope you have another fraction possible too!
Be easy with security and people. Everybody are important.
Many questions and many dark corners now. Good luck, everybody.
It's a mess with comments through most videos on youtube concerning probably wars, religions and narcotics. Important issues are also showing, advice, regulations and concerns, how to tackle the situations.