The clue is authority and autenticity before and after definitions as program, better to buy and politicize of character and expression. Even EU can heal by their own and AI on neighbors for hindering reality clause, connect and raise wars against selves same time.
This concept will leave out the current establishments during and presens by consequences so no matter what.
People have too much world, global to dance on, and are already guilty even to their own and others.
Examples by trust and suggestions became wild heart and such custom economy wars and ownerships are not proper or possible. We can salute pensions as well as policy FED(even social wellfair and market war guidance) for unfaith gathered -ism or movements in details and execution, set-up etc.
This will close the war and narcotic war and establishments as well as unhold woman properties to nothing exclusively independent from family, motivation and paragraphs for almony and work-stake to man sex/gender/nature and backup proportions, which is ignored and illegal use and abuse of situation illegally.
Standards and human solutions already are. What it's for. Not to pump off and have fun destroying paths and exploring a new and straight best conditioned world.
This is still based on violence, even though ignorance and manipulation, nature problems or issues to reflect the same I describe. This is history, today talked as high treason, tomorrow evidences.
Time of man's rights can not be used or abused. That is war. That is work yesterday, not now or ever.
No for not serv self. Not your, to, it. Since we, our own, did and will not accept such conditions from nobody. These words were and follow final. They have to change. They looked for a chance, a war against anybody. We classify tyranny and terror. So many used "something happened" and now we accuse them for attacking themselves still and again. We can not help or pay for that. The suggestion reach already legal solution and security hold. That is only your policy and affairs, count on that.
I am out from there. So what! Think onto this, whom is that? This is private.
My father said "I know you win!". I do. Always.
So now you're dunno, richie-pitchie -
Apatcho Cheied SEdL
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