Aktuellt 2024

söndag 11 juni 2023

Upplockare, på gång ALARM world global

Knark misstänkt igen på flera ställen. Bl a Västerås. Bottnen Mälaren.

Mera problem i Bergslagen södra. Lavy-tavy. Fiasko. Wow. Mera där också?

Original man är inte normalt alls använda eller beskyllbara världspoliser. Inte ens om "lagligt" påstås utomlands blir detta ute i hela världen av migrering mm.

Rapporteras till Världsbanken oavsett marknadens villkor, försörjning och annat. Precis som terroristernas komplex och dess värden.

Huvudsaken är uppenbart oduglig eftersom syftet har med sig och haft störningar även nu. Då är det inget snack om saken. In i buren med dem som gör detta. Delge security lyckade insatser. Feedback till Världsbanken.

Tjejer. Rapportera skadade barn och farsor, det är äkta yin och yanger. Såna som inte får finnas alls. "Polis och martial arts".

The facts about this also concern wars and more brought by the logical attempt about drugs and free weapons with covid princips. You can not win. History announce their versions dynamically. We else original man forbid and condemn, now to war when defeat and difinitions.

World man earth and womiic sensa updated.

Honey, I loved you!

I use to say that the sunshine is a difference(it become)...

Apply money world outside such "constitutions". Apatcho Cheied, Ease ChawlHowc, Jese CoiDeztra. Poliselaw and international law, security modelling and privacies.

Blue sky auto. Blue sky economy. World and global.

Take away all grades, positions and performances truly delivering and processing true. Rest have no chance on their own anyhow.

It's you people or you people that have to be responding. No objection. We will not act, suite or chancewize serve or be covering alters for such.

I am big papa, and from creator, just like familywize and tribewize correct and history correct original man many more ways than "just an objection", or "opinion". We will not deal with and by such matters anyhow.

That will be a higher risk, better stability and progressing yin and yang in opposition trigging and manner. No doubt, a fiasko to them. You have by your "chance" lost life rescue and opposition. We are no help, will not give or sell that.

The actors I point are wrong based and now focused targets.

Man's leave over... Man's leaveover. Mans leave-over. Mans leaveover.

The actors are true. I doom guilty anyhow.


That will not help. To use, destroy och change by good motives or alibis. You know stunt and mission differs. So do bad versions anyhow.

Your needs will never be served, routines, offers, challenge or interesting. 100%.

Your goals are through this kind of worse than deadly to you and others. Breaking free can not supply yourself...

You are uncountable constantly already anyhow.

You do not even belong... Certainly not to some  normal kind or perfection enough. I know that already.

Law do not offer me or us for any reason. So not the ghost, believe or facts. That make a reason through...

Wait for it. I will. Not me or another. Do you see the laws and the police law with only this?

Don't ask such. Again? Start with the facts and where "you" came in... Tell that to your boss. It's true. How you are...

What or whom is worse now and where!?

What's going on? Ask the enemy!

Have a real look at old cases. Remember me.

Excuse me how did you and your attached friend come in!? Excuse of fact!

What do your local law and entrepreneurship stand for now?

What do your family, tribes, people and else stand for now?

They retreat too.

Strange evil kids and... Else. Strange facts returns...

Did you really see that and..? Wow. That evil is not well ever anymore.

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Upplockare, på gång ALARM world global

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