Aktuellt 2024

tisdag 6 juni 2023

Upplockare, på gång ALARM world global

Incidenten löst? Sorry.

Jaha. Då är vi där i krigsfällan igen ... Inga "sinkhole" angivna enligt krisinformation, "vägarbete" och "hål i havet"... Inget på vägverk, sjöfart koll och polisen? Dessutom detta. Vilket fiasko system. Är det inte såna som piper bort plockarna!? Är det inte så t som gör att det blir fel pip i onödan där folk är? Är det inte vilt, reptiler, kajmaner och onödig radar och annat? Kanske falska larm och Blue Sky som i början!? Bilplockare som blir fel doing? Sjukhus kollas kanske, men även lava-amfibier? Kolla då!!! Och vem räknar ut Rescue units och trasiga vehicles!? Vulkaner där de vägrat plocka? Om radar ofarlig nu samma system!? Kolla då!!!

Blue Sky Auto. Lycka till. Koll på supply och fiasko? Hm.

Viktiga detaljer alltid: Is, höjning(mindre vatten)... Kolla då!!!

He's yelling at me... No. They sure asked for reminders. They are important to all crews. Every picker. Every type of geo and fysical body specialists. Every security, council and constitution... Ever organization. Scramble that with calibration and fiaskos. Check out wide! Cover speed and no speed! The facts could temporarily point guilty but that is minimal what I know. I find that because of this. Facts remain: Propeller protections for people. Horror? Larm and check out fascilities and again what's happened or could happen. Report that "number" or scene. You are ok, true missions. Combats check rest?

Heya each other's! Be beautiful. I am. You remember or find these clues then? Ask indians how and when they need help. Now, think about combats and Miris or superpickers! You there! What is your reality, real and the rest? Yes, you. You in charge... The boss. More again. Go on! On and on. Good luck!?

I am 55 soon and hear all conclude still. Now one more thing. A larm 'till learn... Ask!

History. Discovering liquefaction and lava lakes... Get that? I can tell you. Scramble=everybody were there in the fascilities. These ones and so many... Some could, but cover the meaning! You have found your "used to be outlooks". Right... Ok. That cover any time and anywhere. But is it real? Morph. Not surgery. A-a. They all go specialists... Odds now?

Like more or less masses. But what masses!?

Blue sky or Blue sky auto... A power too? Small or large... Is that a real light, though I saw the difference...

I ask for a favor now. Help them. Even car pickers.

Olika sidor Norbergsån. Mera där. Flyg, militärt objekt mm... Ratio säkerhet. Chem mm full koll.

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That's when they flip... Where there is prestige there is achievement. One "always" may be told by somebody that still follow....