Aktuellt 2024

onsdag 24 juli 2024

Hm. Google born...

Forbes wrote about like Zak...

Why do Google bother and how about something that is not classified active after all unless you code on, on, on... 3rd part cookies?

Marketing tool for Google. Absolutely. But where does that rate really as market unless a lose game centered to somebody's numbers?

If Forbes write earthlike a Zak, then what is there with a person or another? AI blues, called folks. The fiction doorstep towards the business is already, the salesman everybody respect.

Forbes came to me like this. That is a higher level of business. Now, where is the user?

Zak don't come to me. He could pay. I pay.

When this turbulent wing of approximately replacing cellulosa is a tuned, not turned page they all take place. They lift a chopper by cheer by else and this closer caviar is dripping aside.

When this money wing return exactly money it happened. They check out in silence and frown peeking and poking app.

Typewriter, folks and versus creators? That's what Forbes are? Sinkholes again?

Blue Marvels and Red Socks...

Nothing can be for just anybody...

Now. Where is the market?

Zak and Forbes has more structure. Google too.

Hello girls, how do you do!?

What a velocity!

I was looking for something. Hey prince, you see something?

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