Aktuellt 2024

onsdag 2 oktober 2024

Hm. Teaching easy sinkholes and safety, space weather event September-October.

From sgo.fi.

My thoughtful basis:
That looked strange to me. What earth and orbits data is real now? And an extra small moon? All space weather data must be looked at or compared? I figured this by large quakes and some different volcano eruptions and extinct... Geology processes and energy... From and to syndroms? Basalt process where and where not, how? Suddenly human beings are overlook types, but still original man.

Just have a look at pressures and history. We are on earth in northern hemisphere. Old extremes converting or news?

Again, look at this latest from Asteroid Alert app.

This mean even glacier, tectonic, ocean, air,  ozone, aurora science to me...

What was missing and not with extreme and deadly conditions and conclusions? Have we found them and are there knowledge basis for covering picking, do they succeed or process like they should? How do human beings report strange or unknown events or situations? Is there a consciousness forgotten or missing?

Check this out from smhi.se.

Still off taken near ground ozone, they put it local, the idiots! And to compare with air quality index(Europe) and Radioactivity sensing. And Brunnur(Iceland lightning map) missing, taken off too. Idiots!

And don't forget to watch shark attack sites and news.

And reptiles.

Reptile attacks 2024 (Google, Android search)

And earthquakes jordskalv.no.

Have a look at the Tromsö aurora again... I ask again, what is down there and where, how? Upsidedown and really upsidedown?

And don't take it down on earthquakes and else either. They are motives for understanding and security to everybody, sites as Ozone, Temis, Brunnur... Atlantic and EU, advices to fix that! Or take in prominent Russian stuff then. They are crazy here. Even NATO. They are counted out for purposes by professionals on super-picking. And not followed up. Because we did not get payed.

Alaska must be able to apply, and Russia too. Only my father and me has concluded this.

Esko Ilmari and Apatcho Cheied SEdL, Rescue services before MM.

This will immediately issue to Indigenous treaty, recent add. Despite the nature of Markets, Governments and peoples.

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Hm. Teaching easy sinkholes and safety, space weather event September-October.

From sgo.fi. My thoughtful basis: That looked strange to me. What earth and orbits data is real now? And an extra small moon? All space weat...