Aktuellt 2024

onsdag 2 oktober 2024

Hm. X-ray and thoughtful warnings remain or rush? ALARM world global

Sun x-ray.

Investigate intensifying seismo combined with periodic sea peak period and significant wave height. Volcanic lava, ice and debris. Check out new caves and volcanic hazards on average seismo or small versus eruption with large. Around Arctic and North Atlantic. This can report technical issuing or thoughtful hazards to nuclear and else energy sources versus seafood and livestock learning and rescue efforts.

One probability could be what happen here in Nordic and Russian areas, even reminders for the same and versus Indian treaty problems. Since some time there are spreading issues about wether land or water can be reliable. Good overview for risk calculation and sudden problems to inhabitants nearby and around. What I see now is the future need occupation possibilities, not known when or how according to history. I decided to mention this because of pickers and risks or solutions.

Lava will probably bother the same history areas maybe before or while, new chance for after? There could be more problems with glaciers coming, what mean an unlucky combination för waters?

Research have I focused to a probability of a warning sign, if that could happen!

To this could be counted an example of the middle of Canachees, where mountains would possibly be shattered or tribute a sinking with a consequence. The possibility is still to pick what go down attached to this already, with new  destination Norwegian Sea. Naturally one think of strange new sights in the geology with sea sides and depths or a middle act or syndrom, also Bottnian Bay, Salkvarken and practically covering problems down and up somewhere in the European continent.That may sound like a sound or a big natural industry... And the industry, exactly the situation for oil and gas could become impossible and problems.

Andesitic flow under Scandinavia can be studied by present data, also versus Fennoskandian.

I know it has been scary, knowing if somebody can be safe and stay here...

What depth is actually the sinking of all syndrom? Is this happening or coming? What depth is the problematic syndrom?

Holmsund nearby in Kvarken, informer.

Tip: Is there a new checking place somewhere?

Reporting: Andesitic flow and through glaciers from Norway. Iceland alert. And Russia. Europe alert. West of British Isles alert(Same). Yellowstone and Hudson alert.

Same ship 8-9 days, from Norwegian Sea.
Åland Police vehicles.

They are Strato Volcanoes, Stormyren and Estersmark. All calm and versus themselves beside each other, all time monitoring. There are about more than 100 caves. And lots of orbs around and where they can or could reach. This is also a problem, to maintain monitoring the centers and else risk zones(spots) for helpless or fault submarines without knowledge and absolute required safety navigating possibilities.

Check out Aurora Tromsö and else. Looks amazing feeling to Europe!

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Hm. X-ray and thoughtful warnings remain or rush? ALARM world global

Sun x-ray. Investigate intensifying seismo combined with periodic sea peak period and significant wave height. Volcanic lava, ice and debris...